Monday, April 10, 2006


Quick Definition: 杭飘狼 短府艰; 客寂; small flat ring (of metal, plastic, etc.)
washer (wŏsh'ər, w'shər) pronunciation
  1. One who washes: a washer of clothes; a washer of windows.
  2. An appliance used for washing, especially:
    1. A washing machine.
    2. An automatic dishwasher.
  3. A flat disk, as of metal, plastic, rubber, or leather, placed beneath a nut or at an axle bearing or a joint to relieve friction, prevent leakage, or distribute pressure.

Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.

The noun washer has 3 meanings:

Meaning #1: someone who washes things for a living

Meaning #2: seal consisting of a flat disk placed to prevent leakage

Meaning #3: a home appliance for washing clothes and linens automatically
Synonyms: automatic washer, washing machine

washer (mechanical)
Assorted washers: flat, split, star and insulated
Assorted washers: flat, split, star and insulated

A washer is a thin disk with a hole, usually in the middle. It is normally used to support the load of a threaded fastener. Other uses are as a spacer, spring (belleville, wave washers), wear pad, pre-load indicating device, and locking device.

Washers are usually metal or plastic. High quality capscrews require hardened steel washers to prevent the loss of pre-load after the torque is applied (due to Brinelling). Rubber or fiber gaskets used in taps to stop the flow of water are sometimes referred to colloquially as washers; while they may look similar, however, washers and gaskets are usually made differently and designed for different functions.

Washers are also important for preventing galvanic corrosion, particularly by insulating steel screws from aluminum surfaces.

Types of washers

External links

Translations for: Washer

Nederlands (Dutch)
wasmachine, ringetje (voor een schroef), iemand die wast

Franais (French)
lave-linge, machine laver, joint, rondelle

Deutsch (German)
n. - Wscher, Waschmaschine, Unterlegscheibe, Dichtungsring

ή (Greek)
n. ύ/-, ή, (.) ά (. έ)

Italiano (Italian)

Portugus (Portuguese)
n. - lavador (m), mquina de lavar (f), arruela (f)

Русский (Russian)
прачка, уборщица, стиральная машина, моечная машина

Espaol (Spanish)
n. - lavador, lavadora, arandela, depurador de gas

Svenska (Swedish)
n. - tvttare, tvttmaskin, packning (i kran)

中国话 (Simplified Chinese)
n. - 洗衣人, 洗衣机, 垫圈, 洗涤机

中國話 (Traditional Chinese)
n. - 洗衣人, 洗衣機, 墊圈, 洗滌機

日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 洗う人, 洗濯機, 座金, ワッシャー

العربيه (Arabic)
(الاسم) الغاسل, مغسله, حلقه, عزقه

עברית (Hebrew)‬
n. - ‮מכבס, מכונת כביסה, רוחץ, שוטף, דיסקית (לבורג), מטלית רחצה‬

Best of the Web

Some good washer pages on the web:

American Sign Language

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Quick Definition: quarrelsome
pugnacious (pŭg-nā'shəs) pronunciation

Combative in nature; belligerent. See synonyms at belligerent.

[From Latin pugnāx, pugnāc-, from pugnāre, to fight, from pugnus, fist.]

pugna'ciously adv.
pugna'ciousness or pugnac'ity (-năs'ĭ-tē) n.



    Having or showing an eagerness to fight: bellicose, belligerent, combative, contentious, hostile, militant, quarrelsome, scrappy, truculent, warlike. See attack/defend.


Definition: belligerent
Antonyms: easy-going, friendly, kind, laid-back, nice, peaceable

Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.

The adjective pugnacious has 2 meanings:

Meaning #1: tough and callous by virtue of experience
Synonyms: hard-bitten, hard-boiled

Meaning #2: ready and able to resort to force or violence
Synonym: rough

Translations for: Pugnacious

Nederlands (Dutch)
twistziek, strijdlustig

Franais (French)
pugnace, combatif, querelleur

Deutsch (German)
adj. - kampflustig

ή (Greek)
adj. ό, ό

Italiano (Italian)
pugnace, battagliero, combattivo, rissoso

Portugus (Portuguese)
adj. - pugnaz, briguento

Русский (Russian)
воинственный, драчливый

Espaol (Spanish)
adj. - belicoso, combativo, pugnaz

Svenska (Swedish)
adj. - stridslysten, stridbar

中国话 (Simplified Chinese)
adj. - 好斗的

中國話 (Traditional Chinese)
adj. - 好鬥的

日本語 (Japanese)
adj. - けんか好きな, 喧嘩早い

العربيه (Arabic)
(صفه) ميال الى العراك و الشجار

עברית (Hebrew)‬
adj. - ‮אוהב מדון, שש לקרב‬

Mentioned In

pugnacious is mentioned in the following topics:
belligerentTerry Downes (Actor, Spy Film/Drama)
Fist (1979 Adventure Film)Pat Buchanan (Political Figure / TV Personality)


Quick Definition: state of needing repair; 颇颊等 惑怕
disrepair (dĭs'rĭ-pr') pronunciation

The condition of being in need of repair: a house in disrepair.


Definition: broken; deteriorated
Antonyms: good, unbroken


Definition: state of deterioration
Antonyms: good condition, repair

Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.

The noun disrepair has one meaning:

Meaning #1: in need of repairs

Translations for: Disrepair

Nederlands (Dutch)
verval, slechte staat van onderhoud, kapot vervallen zijn

Franais (French)

Deutsch (German)
n. - Bauflligkeit, schlechter Zustand

ή (Greek)
n. ή ά, ί, ή ή ά, ά ή

Italiano (Italian)

Portugus (Portuguese)
n. - desarranjo (m)

Русский (Russian)
запущенность быть в запущенном состоянии

Espaol (Spanish)
n. - mal estado, desarreglo

Svenska (Swedish)
n. - frfall

中国话 (Simplified Chinese)
n. - 失修, 荒废, 破损

中國話 (Traditional Chinese)
n. - 失修, 荒廢, 破損

日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 破損

العربيه (Arabic)
(الاسم) عطب, الحاجه الى ترميم يكون في حاله تحتاج الى ترميم

עברית (Hebrew)‬
n. - ‮מצב הדורש תיקון‬

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