Thursday, July 06, 2006


Quick Definition: perceptiveness; ingenuity; delicacy; ADJ. subtle: delicate; so slight as to be difficult to detect; able to make fine distinctions; clever; Ex. subtle mind/differences in meaning
subtlety (sŭt'l-tē) pronunciation
n., pl. -ties.
  1. The quality or state of being subtle.
  2. Something subtle, especially a nicety of thought or a fine distinction.


Definition: astuteness
Antonyms: dullness, slow-wittedness


Definition: ingenuity
Antonyms: crudeness

Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.

The noun subtlety has 2 meanings:

Meaning #1: a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude
Synonyms: nuance, nicety, shade, refinement

Meaning #2: the quality of being difficult to detect or analyze
Synonym: niceness


A subtlety (or soteltie) is a Western European medieval dish, usually served after or between main courses, decorated in some fashion or disguised as other types of food. In medieval English cuisine, subtelties were used as a way to demark one main course from another. An example from the coronation feast of Henry IV was of a highly decorated dish made of pastries, jelly, almond paste and sugar. This was followed by yet another course, another subtlety and a third course. In medieval cookery there was no tradition that stated any particular course should be viewed as an appetizer. These could include up to a dozen separate dishes with foods that today would be viewed as typical main courses such as roasted meats, fowl, pies and heavy side dishes, such as rice.


  • Keple, Kenneth F. Ornelas, Kriemhild Cone (2000) The Cambridge World History of Food: Volume 2 ISBN 0-521-40215-8

External links

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Translations for: Subtlety

Dansk (Danish)
n. - spidsfindighed, finhed, underfundighed, listighed, skarpsindighed

Nederlands (Dutch)
subtiliteit, raffinement, pikant detail

Franais (French)
n. - complexit, subtilit, dlicatesse, caractre nuanc

Deutsch (German)
n. - Zartheit, Feinheit, Raffiniertheit, Subtilitt

ή (Greek)
n. - ό, ύ, ί, έ, ί

Italiano (Italian)
astuzia, sottigliezza

Portugus (Portuguese)
n. - sutileza (f)

Русский (Russian)
тонкость, острота, искусность, утонченность, тонкое различие, хитрость

Espaol (Spanish)
n. - astucia, picarda, sutileza, fineza

Svenska (Swedish)
n. - subtilitet, hrfinhet, spetsfyndighet, skrpa, ordklyveri, finess, nyansrikedom, frslagenhet, knep, tunn

中文(简体) (Chinese (Simplified))
稀薄, 精明, 微妙

中文(繁體) (Chinese (Traditional))
n. - 稀薄, 精明, 微妙

한국어 (Korean)
n. - 예민, 민감, 교활함

日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 微妙, 機微, 鋭敏

العربيه (Arabic)
(الاسم) رقه , لطف , دقه

עברית (Hebrew)‬
n. - ‮עדינות, דקות, חריפות, שנינות, מורכבות, הבחנה דקה‬

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