Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Quick Definition: stroll slowly; N.
saunter (sn'tər) pronunciation
intr.v., -tered, -tering, -ters.

To walk at a leisurely pace; stroll.

  1. A leisurely pace.
  2. A leisurely walk or stroll.

[Probably from Middle English santren, to muse.]

saun'terer n.



    To walk at a leisurely pace: amble, meander, perambulate, promenade, ramble, stroll, wander. Informal mosey. See move/halt.


    An act of walking, especially for pleasure: amble, meander (often used in plural), perambulation, promenade, ramble, stroll, walk, wander. See move/halt.


Definition: stroll
Antonyms: run


Definition: stroll along
Antonyms: run

Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.

The noun saunter has 2 meanings:

Meaning #1: a careless leisurely gait

Meaning #2: a leisurely walk (usually in some public place)
Synonyms: amble, promenade, ramble, stroll, perambulation

The verb saunter has one meaning:

Meaning #1: walk leisurely and with no apparent aim
Synonym: stroll


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SAUNTER, to loiter, lounge, walk idly or lazily. The derivation of the word has given rise to some curiously far-fetched guesses; thus it has been referred to the Holy Land, La Sainte Terre, where pilgrims lingered and loitered, or to the supposed tendency to idle propensities of those who possess no landed property. The most probable suggestions are:

(I) that of Wedgwood, who connects it with a word in exactly the English sense which appears in various forms in Scandinavian languages; lcelandic: slentr, Danish: slentre, Swedish: slentra.

(2) That supported by Skeat, and first propounded by Blackley (Word Gossip, 1869), which connects it with the Middle Engish aunter, adventure; it may represent the French saventurer, to go out on an adventure, and the sense-development would be from the idle and apparently objectless expeditions of knights-errant in search of adventure.

This article incorporates text from the 1911 Encyclopdia Britannica, a publication in the public domain.

Translations for: Saunter

Nederlands (Dutch)
slenteren, drentelen

Franais (French)

Deutsch (German)
v. - schlendern
n. - Bummel, gemchlicher Schritt

ή (Greek)
v. ά ί, ί, ί ά n. ί, ά

Italiano (Italian)
bighellonare, andare a zonzo

Portugus (Portuguese)
v. - passear
n. - passeio a p (m)

Русский (Russian)
прогулка, медленная ходьба, фланирование

Espaol (Spanish)
v. intr. - deambular, pasearse, vagar, andar despacio y sin objeto
n. - paseo, paso tranquilo

Svenska (Swedish)
v. - flanera, spankulera, strosa, slntra
n. - promenad, flanerande, strosande, slntrande, spankulerande

中国话 (Simplified Chinese)
v. intr. - 闲逛, 漫步
n. - 闲逛, 漫步

中國話 (Traditional Chinese)
v. intr. - 閒逛, 漫步
n. - 閒逛, 漫步

日本語 (Japanese)
v. - ぶらつく, ぶらぶら歩く
n. - ぶらぶら歩き, 散歩

العربيه (Arabic)
(فعل) يمشي ألهوينه (الاسم) سير متئد, ألهوينه

עברית (Hebrew)‬
v. intr. - ‮הילך בנחת, פסע לאט, טייל להנאתו‬
n. - ‮טיול להנאה, הליכה בנחת‬

Mentioned In

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