Saturday, June 10, 2006


Quick Definition: move slowly with the body close to the ground; be completely covered by insects or worms; Ex. The kitchen is crawling with ants; N.
crawl1 (krl) pronunciation
intr.v., crawled, crawling, crawls.
  1. To move slowly on the hands and knees or by dragging the body along the ground; creep.
  2. To advance slowly, feebly, laboriously, or with frequent stops: We crawled along until we reached the open road.
  3. To proceed or act servilely.
  4. To be or feel as if swarming or covered with moving things: The accident scene was crawling with police officers. My flesh crawled in horror. See synonyms at teem1.
  5. To swim the crawl.
  1. The action of moving slowly on the hands or knees or dragging the body along the ground.
  2. An extremely slow pace: Traffic was moving at a crawl.
  3. Sports. A rapid swimming stroke consisting of alternating overarm strokes and a flutter kick.
  4. A set of letters or figures that move across, up, or down a movie or television screen, usually giving information, such as film credits or weather alerts.

[Middle English craulen, from Old Norse krafla.]

crawlingly crawl'ingly adv.
crawl2 (krl) pronunciation

A pen in shallow water, as for confining fish or turtles.

[Afrikaans kraal, enclosure for animals. See kraal.]



  1. To move along in a crouching or prone position: creep, slide, snake, worm. See move/halt.
  2. To advance slowly: creep, drag, inch. See fast/slow/velocity.
  3. To be abundantly filled or richly supplied: abound, bristle, flow, overflow, pullulate, swarm, teem. See big/small/amount, rich/poor.
  4. To experience a repugnant tingling sensation: creep. See fear/courage, like/dislike.


    A very slow rate of speed: creep, snail's pace. See fast/slow/velocity.


To search the Internet for hosts, Web pages or blogs. See crawler.

Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.

The noun crawl has 3 meanings:

Meaning #1: a very slow movement

Meaning #2: a swimming stroke; arms are moved alternately overhead accompanied by a flutter kick
Synonyms: front crawl, Australian crawl

Meaning #3: a slow creeping mode of locomotion (on hands and knees or dragging the body)
Synonyms: crawling, creep, creeping

The verb crawl has 5 meanings:

Meaning #1: move slowly; in the case of people or animals with the body near the ground
Synonym: creep

Meaning #2: feel as if crawling with insects

Meaning #3: be crawling with

Meaning #4: show submission or fear
Synonyms: fawn, creep, cringe, cower, grovel

Meaning #5: swim by doing the crawl; they often don't know how to crawl


The word crawl has a number of uses:

  • Crawling is to move in a slow, creeping fashion, usually dragging the body along the ground by using the hands and knees. The term is often used to describe the motion of infants, or to describe the motion of a particularly slow process.
  • In swimming, a front crawl is one of techniques used to propel oneself in water.
  • In television, a news crawl is a moving line of text usually put at the bottom of the screen.
  • To crawl the World Wide Web or a similar medium is to visit a large number of sites, following many or all hyperlinks. The term is often used to describe how search engines gather their data. See also web crawler.
  • Crawl may also refer to the roguelike computer game Dungeon Crawl, or to the dungeon crawl style of adventure in general.

Translations for: Crawl

Nederlands (Dutch)
(voort)kruipen, slijmen (figuurlijk), wemelen, rillen, crawlslag zwemmen, streng terechtwijzen, het kruipen, slakkengang, crawlslag, (kroegen) tocht, aftiteling

Franais (French)
nager le crawl, ramper, pulluler, crawl

Deutsch (German)
v. - kriechen, wimmeln, krabbeln
n. - Kriechen, Kriechtempo, Kraulen
n. - Schildkrtenreservoir, Fischreservoir

ή (Greek)
v. έ, έ, ά, ύ ά ή ί, έ, (.) ώ, έ ό, ( ά) ύ, ί ί n. ύ, ύ, ή ή ί ί, ά, ύ ύ, ό, ά, ά, (.) , ό ή ό ό

Italiano (Italian)
strisciare, pullulare, crawl

Portugus (Portuguese)
v. - rastejar, engatinhar
n. - rastejamento (m), crawl (m) (estilo de natao) (Esp.)

Русский (Russian)
ползти, пресмыкаться, подхалимствовать, кишеть, ползать, ползание, плавание кролем

Espaol (Spanish)
v. intr. - gatear, arrastrarse, abundar, plagarse, pulular
n. - reptacin, arrastramiento
n. - encierro en agua poco profunda para peces o tortugas

Svenska (Swedish)
v. - krypa, krla, smyga, slpa sig fram, krypkra, myllra, crawla (sim.)
n. - fisksump, krypande, crawlsim

中国话 (Simplified Chinese)
v. tr. - 在...上爬行, 斥责, 训斥, 在...上蔓生
v. intr. - 爬行, 徐徐行进, 蠕动, 起鸡皮疙瘩
n. - 爬行, 缓慢的行进, 蠕动, 自由式游泳

中國話 (Traditional Chinese)
v. tr. - 在...上爬行, 斥責, 訓斥, 在...上蔓生
v. intr. - 爬行, 徐徐行進, 蠕動, 起雞皮疙瘩
n. - 爬行, 緩慢的行進, 蠕動, 自由式游泳

日本語 (Japanese)
v. - 這う, のろのろ進む, むずむずする, いっぱいになる, クロールで泳ぐ
n. - 這うこと, のろのろ進むこと, クロール

العربيه (Arabic)
(فعل) زحف, حبا, سار ببط, غص (بالنمل) (الاسم) سباحه حرة

עברית (Hebrew)‬
v. intr. - ‮שרץ, זחל, התרפס‬
n. - ‮שחיית חתירה, זחילה, סיבוב שתייה בכמה מסבאות (פאבים)‬
n. - ‮גדרה במים רדודים לכליאת דגים וצבי-מים‬

Back to Top Mentioned In
crawl is mentioned in the following topics:
Earth (1995 Album by Crawl)Construct Destroy Rebuild (1996 Album by Crawl)
Insolence (2002 Album by Agatha Crawl)Australian crawl (crawl stroke in swimming)
pub-crawlDeja Vu Ultraman (2000 Album by Stagger Stagger Crawl)
Phalanx (1983 Album by Australian Crawl)climb
Sons of Beaches (1982 Album by Australian Crawl)Boys Light Up/Sirocco (2005 Album by Australian Crawl)

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