Sunday, May 21, 2006


Quick Definition: deep stupor or unconsciousness produced by a drug
narcosis (nr-kō'sĭs) pronunciation
n., pl. -ses (-sēz).

A condition of deep stupor or unconsciousness produced by a drug or other chemical substance.

[New Latin narcōsis, from Greek narkōsis, a numbing, from narkoun, to benumb, from narkē, numbness.]

narcosis (nrkō'sĭs) , state of stupor induced by drugs. The use of narcotics as a therapeutic aid in psychiatry is believed to have a history dating back to the use of opium for mental disorders by the early Egyptians. Prolonged narcosis was employed at the beginning of the 20th cent.; its chief value was the reduction of excitement and tension in the psychotic patient. J. S. Horsley introduced (1936) the term narcoanalysis for the use of narcotics to induce a trancelike state in which the patient talks freely and intensive psychotherapy may be applied. It was used with considerable success in treatment of acute combat psychoneuroses during World War II.

narcosis (nr-kō'sĭs)
n., pl. -ses (-sēz).

General and nonspecific reversible depression of neuronal excitability, produced by a physical or chemical agent, usually resulting in stupor rather than in anesthesia.

Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.

The noun narcosis has one meaning:

Meaning #1: unconsciousness induced by narcotics or anesthesia


Translations for: Narcosis

Nederlands (Dutch)

Franais (French)

Deutsch (German)
n. - Narkose

ή (Greek)
n. (.) ά

Italiano (Italian)

Portugus (Portuguese)
n. - narcose (f) (Med.)

Русский (Russian)

Espaol (Spanish)
n. - narcosis

Svenska (Swedish)
n. - narkos, bedvningstillstnd

中国话 (Simplified Chinese)
n. - 昏迷状态, 麻醉

中國話 (Traditional Chinese)
n. - 昏迷狀態, 麻醉

日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 麻酔, 昏睡, 昏睡状態

العربيه (Arabic)
(الاسم) الخدر : تخدر من اثر مادة مخدرة

עברית (Hebrew)‬
n. - ‮תרדמה עי סם, נרקוזה, מצב של חוסר-תחושה‬

Back to Top Mentioned In

narcosis is mentioned in the following topics:
nitrogen narcosisHydrogen psychosis
narcotizeDo I Still Look Like the Pumuckel? (2004 Album by Cristo Fontecilla)
High pressure nervous syndromeWanton Phenomena (1999 Album by Crank)

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