Thursday, April 20, 2006


Quick Definition: having no motion; unchanging; lacking development; N. stasis: stable state
static (stăt'ĭk) pronunciation
    1. Having no motion; being at rest; quiescent.
    2. Fixed; stationary.
  1. Physics. Of or relating to bodies at rest or forces that balance each other.
  2. Electricity. Of, relating to, or producing stationary charges; electrostatic.
  3. Of, relating to, or produced by random radio noise.
  1. Random noise, such as crackling in a receiver or specks on a television screen, produced by atmospheric disturbance of the signal.
  2. Informal.
    1. Back talk.
    2. Interference; obstruction.
    3. Angry or heated criticism.

[New Latin staticus, relating to weight, from Greek statikos, causing to stand, from statos, standing.]

stat'ical adj.
stat'ically adv.


Definition: motionless, changeless
Antonyms: active, changeable, continuous, mobile, moving, variable


  1. Refers to something that is fixed and unchanging. Contrast with dynamic.

  • Interference or noise in a signal as in the unwanted disturbance in a radio signal. See noise.

  • static, term formerly use to describe electrical noise in radio reception, especially noise that originates outside a transmitter and receiver, e.g., in the atmosphere or in man-made devices. In general, a frequency modulation (FM) radio receiver is less susceptible to such noise than one using amplitude modulation (AM). Many receivers are equipped with devices, such as automatic limiting and silencing circuits, to lessen the effect of such noise on reception.


    Crackling noise heard on AM radio receivers. Caused by electric storms or electric devices.

    Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.

    The noun static has one meaning:

    Meaning #1: a crackling or hissing noise cause by electrical interference
    Synonyms: atmospherics, atmospheric static

    The adjective static has 3 meanings:

    Meaning #1: not active or moving
    Synonym: unchanging

    Meaning #2: not in physical motion
    Synonyms: at rest, inactive, motionless, still

    Meaning #3: showing little if any change
    Synonyms: stable, unchanging

    Look up static in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

    Static has several meanings:

    In computer science:

    • Static variables may be constants, local function variables, or class variables depending on the context
    • Static typing, where type checking is applied at compile-time not run-time
    • Static linking, where identifiers are associated with data or sections of code during linking not run-time
    • Static IP address, an address configured on a device which does not change
    • Static random access memory, a type of semiconductor memory which retains its contents as long as power is applied
    • Static logic, logic which does not use a clock signal
    • Static code analysis is a set of methods for analyzing code without running it

    In popular culture and the arts:

    Translations for: Static

    Nederlands (Dutch)
    statisch, lawaai

    Franais (French)

    Deutsch (German)
    n. - atmosphrische Strungen
    adj. - statisch

    ή (Greek)
    n. (/) ά (ά) ά, (.) ά, ί adj. (., .) ό

    Italiano (Italian)
    statica, statico

    Portugus (Portuguese)
    n. - esttica (f)
    adj. - esttico

    Русский (Russian)
    атмосферные помехи, шум и гам, ругань, громкий спор, статический, статичный, неподвижный, стационарный

    Espaol (Spanish)
    adj. - esttico
    n. - interferencias

    Svenska (Swedish)
    n. - atmosfriska strningar, statisk elektricitet
    adj. - statisk, stillastende, stagnerad, stel

    中国话 (Simplified Chinese)
    adj. - 静的, 静力的, 静态的, 静止的
    n. - 静电, 静电干扰, 天电, 静电噪声

    中國話 (Traditional Chinese)
    adj. - 靜的, 靜力的, 靜態的, 靜止的
    n. - 靜電, 靜電干擾, 天電, 靜電雜訊

    日本語 (Japanese)
    adj. - 静止した, 活気のない, 静電気の, 静力学の
    n. - 空電, 電波障害, 静電気

    العربيه (Arabic)
    (الاسم) تشويش اذاعي (صفه) ساكن, راكد

    עברית (Hebrew)‬
    adj. - ‮נייח, סטטי, לא דינמי, קפוא, לא נע‬
    n. - ‮הפרעות חשמל באטמוספרה הנגרמות עי ברק, חשמל סטטי, הפרעות אטמוספריות בתקשורת‬

    Mentioned In

    static is mentioned in the following topics:
    Static_natX-static Insport
    X-static SocksSRAM (Static RAM)
    static tubestatic routine
    Aerostatic (gas)Jansky noise
    early binding (technology)static cling

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