Friday, May 26, 2006


Quick Definition: sizeable; fairly large
sizable also sizeable ('zə-bəl) pronunciation

Of considerable size; fairly large.

sizableness siz'ableness n.
sizably siz'ably adv.

sizable also sizeable


  1. Notably above average in amount, size, or scope: big, considerable, extensive, good, great, healthy, large, large-scale. Informal tidy. See big/small/amount.
  2. Somewhat big: biggish, goodly, largish, respectable. See big/small/amount.


Definition: considerable, large
Antonyms: inadequate, inconsiderable, insufficient, little, short, small, tiny

Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.

The adjective sizable has 2 meanings:

Meaning #1: fairly large
Synonyms: ample, sizeable

Meaning #2: large in amount or extent or degree
Synonyms: goodly, goodish, hefty, respectable, sizeable, tidy

Translations for: Sizeable

Nederlands (Dutch)
omvangrijk, behoorlijk, flink

Franais (French)
assez gros, assez important, non ngligeable, volumineux, solide

Deutsch (German)
adj. - ziemlich gro, betrchtlich, ansehnlich

ή (Greek)
adj. έ, ύ

Italiano (Italian)
piuttosto grande, voluminoso, considerevole

Portugus (Portuguese)
adj. - de bom tamanho

Русский (Russian)
значительных размеров, толстый, подходящий по своим данным, ощутимый, значительный

Espaol (Spanish)
adj. - grande, considerable, importante

Svenska (Swedish)
adj. - rtt s stor, ansenlig, av betydande storlek

中国话 (Simplified Chinese)
adj. - 相当大的, 颇大的

中國話 (Traditional Chinese)
adj. - 相當大的, 頗大的

日本語 (Japanese)
adj. - 相当の大きさの, 大きな

العربيه (Arabic)
(صفه) حجم كبير نوعا ما

עברית (Hebrew)‬
adj. - ‮גדול למדי, ניכר‬

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