Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Quick Definition: whether desired or not
willy-nilly (wĭl'ē-nĭl'ē) pronunciation
  1. Whether desired or not: After her boss fell sick, she willy-nilly found herself directing the project.
  2. Without order or plan; haphazardly.
  1. Being or occurring whether desired or not: willy-nilly cooperation.
  2. Disordered; haphazard: willy-nilly zoning laws.

[Alteration of will ye (or he), nill ye (or he), be you (or he) willing, be you (or he) unwilling.]



    Without regard to desire or inclination: helplessly, involuntarily, perforce. See willing/unwilling.

Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.

The adverb willy-nilly has 2 meanings:

Meaning #1: in a random manner
Synonyms: randomly, indiscriminately, haphazardly, arbitrarily, at random, every which way

Meaning #2: without having a choice

Translations for: Willy-nilly

Nederlands (Dutch)
goedschiks of kwaadschiks

Franais (French)
bon gr mal gr

Deutsch (German)
adv. - wohl oder bel, gezwungenermaen
adj. - unorganisiert, unordentlich, zgernd

ή (Greek)
adv. ώ-ά, έ , ό

Italiano (Italian)
di controvoglia

Portugus (Portuguese)
adv. - indeciso

Русский (Russian)
вынужденный, хочешь-не хочешь

Espaol (Spanish)
adv. - quiera o no quiera, de buen o mal grado, desorganizadamente
adj. - desorganizado, no planeado, vacilante

Svenska (Swedish)
adv. - antingen man vill eller inte

中国话 (Simplified Chinese)
adv. - 不管愿不愿意, 乱糟糟地
adj. - 不容分辨的, 犹豫不决的

中國話 (Traditional Chinese)
adv. - 不管願不願意, 亂糟糟地
adj. - 不容分辨的, 猶豫不決的

日本語 (Japanese)
adv. - いやでもおうでも
adj. - 優柔不断の

العربيه (Arabic)
(ظرف) طوعا أو كرها

עברית (Hebrew)‬
adv. - ‮ברצון או שלא ברצון, אם יחפוץ ואם לאו‬
adj. - ‮הססני, מחויב המציאות‬

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