Friday, June 02, 2006


Quick Definition: grow rapidly (in numbers); spread; multiply; N. proliferation
proliferate (prə-lĭf'ə-rāt') pronunciation

v., -ated, -ating, -ates.


  1. To grow or multiply by rapidly producing new tissue, parts, cells, or offspring.
  2. To increase or spread at a rapid rate: fears that nuclear weapons might proliferate.

To cause to grow or increase rapidly.

[Back-formation from PROLIFERATION, the act of proliferating, from French prolifration, from prolifre, procreative : Latin prōlēs, prōl-, offspring; see proliferous + Latin -fer, -fer.]

proliferation prolif'era'tion n.
proliferative prolif'era'tive adj.
proliferator prolif'era'tor n.


Rapid reproduction of tissue.



  1. To produce sexually or asexually others of one's kind: breed, increase, multiply, procreate, propagate, reproduce, spawn. See reproduction/barrenness.
  2. To make or become greater or larger: aggrandize, amplify, augment, boost, build, build up, burgeon, enlarge, escalate, expand, extend, grow, increase, magnify, mount, multiply, rise, run up, snowball, soar, swell, upsurge, wax. Informal beef up. See increase/decrease.


Definition: increase quickly
Antonyms: decline, decrease, dwindle, fall off

proliferate (prə-lĭf'ə-rāt')
v., -ated, -ating, -ates.

To grow or multiply by rapidly producing new tissue, parts, cells, or offspring.

Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.

The verb proliferate has 2 meanings:

Meaning #1: grow rapidly

Meaning #2: cause to grow or increase rapidly

Translations for: Proliferate

Nederlands (Dutch)
zich uitbreiden, woekeren

Franais (French)
prolifrer, s'tendre, se propager

Deutsch (German)
v. - sich stark vermehren, sich ausbreiten

ή (Greek)
v. ά, ύ, ά/-, ώ

Italiano (Italian)
proliferare, propagarsi

Portugus (Portuguese)
v. - proliferar

Русский (Russian)
размножаться, распространяться

Espaol (Spanish)
v. intr. - proliferar, multiplicarse
v. tr. - proliferar, producir en rpida sucesin

Svenska (Swedish)
v. - frka sig (gnm celldelning), sprida, mngfaldigas

中国话 (Simplified Chinese)
v. intr. - 增殖, 扩散, 激增
v. tr. - 增殖, 扩散, 激增

中國話 (Traditional Chinese)
v. intr. - 增殖, 擴散, 激增
v. tr. - 增殖, 擴散, 激增

日本語 (Japanese)
v. - 増殖する, 急激に増す, 急増する, 繁殖する
adj. - 貫生の, 数の増加した

العربيه (Arabic)
(فعل) يتكاثر

עברית (Hebrew)‬
v. intr. - ‮התרבה במהירות‬
v. tr. - ‮ייצר (תאים וכו') במהירות‬

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