Thursday, May 25, 2006


Quick Definition: joyous; celebratory; relating to a feast or festival
festive (fĕs'tĭv) pronunciation
  1. Of, relating to, or appropriate for a feast or festival.
  2. Merry; joyous: a festive party.

[Latin fēstīvus, from fēstus.]

festively fes'tively adv.
festiveness fes'tiveness n.



  1. Marked by festal celebration: gala, glad, gladsome, happy, joyful, joyous, merry. See happy/unhappy.
  2. Providing joy and pleasure: cheerful, cheery, glad, happy, joyful, joyous, pleasing. See happy/unhappy.


Definition: decorated, celebratory
Antonyms: depressed, gloomy, somber, undecorated

Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.

The adjective festive has one meaning:

Meaning #1: offering fun and gaiety
Synonyms: gala, gay, festal, merry

Translations for: Festive

Nederlands (Dutch)
feestelijk, festival-, vrolijk

Franais (French)

Deutsch (German)
adj. - festlich, gesellig, frhlich

ή (Greek)
adj. ό, ό, ό, ά, ύ, ά

Italiano (Italian)
festoso, festivo

Portugus (Portuguese)
adj. - festivo

Русский (Russian)
праздничный, веселый

Espaol (Spanish)
adj. - festivo

Svenska (Swedish)
adj. - festlig

中国话 (Simplified Chinese)
adj. - 庆祝的, 欢乐的, 喜庆的

中國話 (Traditional Chinese)
adj. - 慶祝的, 歡樂的, 喜慶的

日本語 (Japanese)
adj. - 祭りの, 祝祭の, 陽気な, 楽しい

العربيه (Arabic)
(صفه) مهرجاني , عيدي , بهيج , مرح

עברית (Hebrew)‬
adj. - ‮חגיגי, של חג‬

Back to Top Mentioned In

festive is mentioned in the following topics:
Great Classics for the Festive Season/Various (Classical Album)In Dulci Jubilo: Festive Xmas Music for Brass/V (Classical Album)
Festive Proclamation, for organ (Keyboard Classical Work)Festive Overture, for orchestra (Orchestral Classical Work)

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