Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Quick Definition: compartment for one animal in a barn or shed; V: bring or come to a standstill
stall1 (stl) pronunciation
  1. A compartment for one domestic animal in a barn or shed.
    1. A booth, cubicle, or stand used by a vendor, as at a market.
    2. A small compartment: a shower stall.
    1. An enclosed seat in the chancel of a church.
    2. A pew in a church.
  2. Chiefly British. A seat in the front part of a theater.
  3. A space marked off, as in a garage, for parking a motor vehicle.
  4. A protective sheath for a finger or toe.
  5. The sudden, unintended loss of power or effectiveness in an engine.
  6. A condition in which an aircraft or airfoil experiences an interruption of airflow resulting in loss of lift and a tendency to drop.

v., stalled, stalling, stalls.


  1. To put or lodge in a stall.
  2. To maintain in a stall for fattening: to stall cattle.
  3. To halt the motion or progress of; bring to a standstill.
  4. To cause (a motor or motor vehicle) accidentally to stop running.
  5. To cause (an aircraft) to go into a stall.
  1. To live or be lodged in a stall. Used of an animal.
  2. To stick fast in mud or snow.
  3. To come to a standstill: Negotiations stalled.
  4. To stop running as a result of mechanical failure: The car stalled on the freeway.
  5. To lose forward flying speed, causing a stall. Used of an aircraft.

[Middle English stalle, from Old English steall, standing place, stable.]

stall2 (stl) pronunciation

A ruse or tactic used to mislead or delay.

v., stalled, stalling, stalls.


To employ delaying tactics against: stall off creditors.


To employ delaying tactics: stalling for time.

[Alteration (influenced by STALL1) of obsolete stale, pickpocket's accomplice, from Middle English, decoy, from Anglo-Norman estale, of Germanic origin; possibly akin to Old English st̄l, stathol, place, position. See staddle.]



  1. To prevent the occurrence or continuation of a movement, action, or operation: arrest, belay, cease, check, discontinue, halt1, stay1, stop, surcease. Idioms: bring to a standstill, call a halt to, put a stop to. See continue/stop/pause.
  2. To come to a cessation: arrest, belay, cease, check, discontinue, halt1, leave off, quit, stop, surcease. Idioms: come to ahaltstandstillstop. See continue/stop/pause.


    To cause to be later or slower than expected or desired: delay, detain, hang up, hold up, lag, retard, set back, slow (down or up). See help/harm/harmless, time.


Definition: delay for own purposes
Antonyms: advance, allow, further, help

stall, small division of a larger space, sometimes partly partitioned. The term is used for a booth for display and selling at an exhibition, for a compartment in a stable or kennel, or, in England, for the forward seats in a theater orchestra. In a church or cathedral the stalls are the fixed seats built in rows along the sides of the chancel and used by the clergy and choir. They formed part of the church furniture at an early period when the officiating clergy had increased in number. At first movable seats, they later became an architectural feature. The choir stalls may be arranged in a single tier or in several tiers, one behind another. The prayer rest for each stall is formed by the back of the one preceding it. Each seat folds back to give space for kneeling or standing, and the miserere or projecting corbel upon its under surface then furnishes a rest for the priest in the long periods of standing. In the medieval stalls the miserere was carved with scenes from everyday life or with fabulous animal forms, called misericords. From the 14th cent. onward the stalls became objects of the woodcarver's limitless skill, with high, traceried backs and sculptured arms. The uppermost tier was often crowned by high gables or by canopies of richest tabernacle work, supported on colonnettes and terminating in spires. The magnificent stalls (c.1530) in St. George's Chapel, Windsor, assigned to the use of the Knights of the Garter, are of this kind.


See M. D. Anderson, Misericords (1954).

Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.

The noun stall has 6 meanings:

Meaning #1: a compartment in a stable where a single animal is confined and fed

Meaning #2: small area set off by walls for special use
Synonyms: booth, cubicle, kiosk

Meaning #3: a booth where articles are displayed for sale
Synonyms: stand, sales booth

Meaning #4: a malfunction in the flight of an aircraft in which there is a sudden loss of lift that results in a downward plunge

Meaning #5: small individual study area in a library
Synonyms: carrel, carrell, cubicle

Meaning #6: a tactic used to mislead or delay
Synonym: stalling

The verb stall has 7 meanings:

Meaning #1: postpone doing what one should be doing
Synonyms: procrastinate, drag one's feet, shillyshally, dilly-dally, dillydally

Meaning #2: come to a stop
Synonym: conk

Meaning #3: deliberately delay an event or action

Meaning #4: put into, or keep in, a stall

Meaning #5: experience a stall in flight, of airplanes

Meaning #6: cause an airplane to go into a stall

Meaning #7: cause an engine to stop

A stall near Akti Bay in the island of Kalymnos, Greece where sponges are sold
A stall near Akti Bay in the island of Kalymnos, Greece where sponges are sold
Look up stall in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Stall can refer to:

  • a semi-permanent place for conducting sales.
  • the living quarters for an animal in a barn or stable.
  • a high-backed booth at a restaurant.
  • any small compartment (such as a shower stall or restroom stall).
  • In a theatre or concert hall auditorium, the stalls are the seats on the ground floor directly in front of the stage.
  • A phenomenon whereby an engine abruptly ceases operating and stops turning (perhaps due to fuel starvation or a mechanical failure), or in response to a sudden increase in engine load.
  • The loss of lift in an aircraft when the critical angle of attack is exceeded results in a stall (flight).
  • An instruction pipeline of a modern CPU may stall when execution cannot continue because previous events that the current instruction is dependent on have not yet completed.

Translations for: Stall

Nederlands (Dutch)
stalletje, kraam, hok in een stal, parkeerplaats, kerkbank, vinger-/ teenbeschermer, vastlopen, stallen, de boot afhouden, afslaan

Franais (French)
caler, bloquer, faire patienter, se drober, brouter, tre coup, tal, orchestre

Deutsch (German)
n. - Stand, Stall
v. - einstallen, sich festfahren
n. - Stehenbleiben, Ausflucht
v. - aufhalten, stehenbleiben

ή (Greek)
n. ώ ά, (ί) ά, ί έ, ί, έ, ό, ά, ώ ή ά v. ύ ώ, ώ, ώ, ώ ό, ( ά) ά ή ή, ά

Italiano (Italian)
galleria, tenere a bada, bloccarsi, spegnersi, bancarella

Portugus (Portuguese)
n. - barraca onde se vende algo, baia (f), assento (m)
v. - impedir, enguiar, embromar, protelar

Русский (Russian)
стойло, доильный станок, хлев, ларек, лоток, кресло партера, кабина, место стоянки автомашины, ставить животное в стойло, отвлекать внимание жертвы при воровстве, останавливать, застревать, глохнуть (о двигателе), заглушать (двигатель)

Espaol (Spanish)
n. - platea, puesto, quiosco, caseta, puesto de venta, estado del aeroplano cuya velocidad ha disminuido hasta el punto de hacerlo ingobernable
v. tr. - parar, poner o tener en establo o cuadra, poner, colocar, asignar un puesto, proveer de puestos, compartimentos, ahogar
v. intr. - estar en u
n. - tctica utilizada para despistar, engaar o demorar
v. tr. - departamento, atascar, atollar
v. intr. - atascarse, atollarse

Svenska (Swedish)
n. - svepskl, spilta, bs, parkettplats, korstol, ficktjuvs medhjlpare, parkeringsruta
v. - slingra sig, komma med undanflykter, stoppa (mask.), stta in en spilta, verstegra (flyg.)

中国话 (Simplified Chinese)
n. - 栏, 栅, 厩, 书报亭, 货摊, 摊位, 隔间, 小间
v. tr. - 把...关入畜舍, 使动弹不得, 使陷入泥潭, 使熄火
v. intr. - 被关入畜舍, 抛锚, 熄火, 失速
n. - 拖延, 诡计, 托词
v. tr. - 拖延, 推迟, 拖时间使等候, 把...拖住
v. intr. - 支吾, 拖延, 拖延时间

中國話 (Traditional Chinese)
n. - 欄, 柵, 廄, 書報亭, 貨攤, 攤位, 隔間, 小間
v. tr. - 把...關入畜舍, 使動彈不得, 使陷入泥潭, 使熄火
v. intr. - 被關入畜舍, 拋錨, 熄火, 失速
n. - 拖延, 詭計, 托詞
v. tr. - 拖延, 推遲, 拖時間使等候, 把...拖住
v. intr. - 支吾, 拖延, 拖延時間

日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 仕切り, 売店, 露店, 聖職者席, 小仕切り, 失速, エンスト, 口実, ごまかし, 馬屋
v. - 家畜小屋に入れる, 立ち往生させる, 失速させる, 待たせる, 引き延ばす

العربيه (Arabic)
(الاسم) مربط حيوان, كشك في السوق, مقعد أمامي في المسرح (فعل) أبقى الماشيه في زريبه, أجل عمل بغرض كسب الوقت, تعطل محرك السيارة أو الطائرة

עברית (Hebrew)‬
n. - ‮תא (לסוס), אורווה, רפת, תאון, דוכן, דלפק, ביתן, מושב-כומר (בכנסייה), כובעון-אצבע, איבוד שליטה (במטוס), תא ישיבה (בתיאטרון)‬
v. tr. - ‮הכניס לאורווה, שמר באורווה, כיבה, עצר, איבד השליטה (במטוס)‬
v. intr. - ‮כבה (מנוע), התחמק, נתקע (בבוץ, שלג, פקק)‬
n. - ‮ניסיון להרוויח זמן כאשר נשאלים‬
v. tr. - ‮דחה, עיכב, השהה‬
v. intr. - ‮התחמק‬

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