Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Quick Definition: simple melody; song; a number of musical notes that form a pleasing pattern of sound; agreement; harmony (in pitch or key); Ex. in tune with the period; Ex. The piano is out of tune; V: put in tune; adjust
tune (tūn, tyūn) pronunciation
  1. Music.
    1. A melody, especially a simple and easily remembered one.
    2. A song.
    3. Correct pitch.
    4. The state of being properly adjusted for pitch: a piano out of tune.
    5. Agreement in pitch: play in tune with the piano.
    6. Obsolete. A musical tone.
    1. Concord or agreement; harmony: in tune with the times.
    2. Archaic. Frame of mind; disposition.
  2. Electronics. Adjustment of a receiver or circuit for maximum response to a given signal or frequency.

v., tuned, tuning, tunes.


    1. Music. To put into proper pitch: tuned the violin.
    2. Archaic. To utter musically; sing.
  1. To adopt or adjust, especially in order to bring into harmony.
  2. Electronics.
    1. To adjust (a receiver) to a desired frequency.
    2. To adjust (a circuit) so as to make it resonant with a given input signal.
  3. To adjust (an engine, for example) for maximum usability or performance.

To become attuned.

phrasal verbs:

tune in

  1. Electronics. To adjust a receiver to receive signals at a particular frequency or a particular program.
  2. Slang. To make or become aware or responsive: Nobody tunes in to what anybody else is saying (Bruce Allen).
tune out
  1. Electronics. To adjust a receiver so as not to receive a particular signal.
  2. Slang.
    1. To disassociate oneself from one's environment: The average reader, used to seeing the world in three-dimensional color, tunes out (Carlin Romano).
    2. To become unresponsive to; ignore: tuned out the children's screaming.
tune up
  1. Music. To adjust an instrument to a desired pitch or key.
  2. To adjust a machine so as to put it into proper condition.
  3. To prepare (oneself) for a specified activity.


to the tune of

  1. To the sum or extent of: produced profits to the tune of $10 million.

[Middle English, variant of tone, tone. See tone.]



  1. A pleasing succession of musical tones forming a usually brief aesthetic unit: air, aria, melody, strain2. Obsolete note. See sounds/pleasant sounds/unpleasant sounds/neutral sounds or silence.
  2. Pleasing agreement, as of musical sounds: accord, concert, concord, harmony, symphony. Music consonance. See beautiful/ugly.
  3. Harmonious mutual understanding: accord, agreement, concord, concordance, concurrence, consonance, harmony, rapport, unity. Idioms: meeting of the minds. See agree/disagree.


  1. To utter words or sounds in musical tones: carol, chant, sing, vocalize. See sounds/pleasant sounds/unpleasant sounds/neutral sounds or silence.
  2. To bring into accord: accommodate, attune, conform, coordinate, harmonize, integrate, proportion, reconcile. See agree/disagree.
  3. To alter for proper functioning. adjust, fix, regulate, set1. Music attune. See change/persist, help/harm/harmless.


Definition: agreement
Antonyms: disagreement


Definition: melody, harmony
Antonyms: silence


[from automotive or musical usage] To optimize a program or system for a particular environment, esp. by adjusting numerical parameters designed as hooks for tuning, e.g., by changing #define lines in C. One may tune for time (fastest execution), tune for space (least memory use), or tune for configuration (most efficient use of hardware). See hot spot, hand-hacking.

Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.

The noun tune has one meaning:

Meaning #1: a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence
Synonyms: melody, air, strain, melodic line, line, melodic phrase

The verb tune has 2 meanings:

Meaning #1: adjust for functioning
Synonym: tune up

Meaning #2: of musical instruments
Synonym: tune up
Antonym: untune (meaning #2)


Tune can refer to:

Translations for: Tune

Nederlands (Dutch)
melodie, (af)stemmen naar iemands pijpen dansen

Franais (French)
accorder, rgler, ajuster, indicatif, air

Deutsch (German)
n. - Melodie, Einklang, (Ein)stimmung, richtige Tonhhe
v. - stimmen, einstellen, anpassen, harmonieren

ή (Greek)
n. ί, ό, ό, ό (ή), ί v. ί (ό ό ..), ί, ί (ή)

Italiano (Italian)
sintonizzare, accordare, motivo

Portugus (Portuguese)
n. - melodia (f), msica (f), harmonia (f), cantiga (f)
v. - sintonizar, cantar, afinar

Русский (Russian)
мелодия, настраивать танцевать под чью-л. дудку

Espaol (Spanish)
n. - meloda, cancin, entonacin caracterstica en el habla, tono, concordancia, armona
v. tr. - afinar, sintonizar, poner apunto, templar, acordar, entonar, cantar, expresar con msica, armonizar, ajustar, adaptar
v. intr. - afinar, cantar, entonar, armonizar

Svenska (Swedish)
n. - melodi, lt, stmning (instrument), harmoni, samklang, belopp, utstrckning
v. - avstmma, stmma, stlla in (radio), stmma upp (in), ljuda, tona

中国话 (Simplified Chinese)
n. - 曲调, 和谐, 调子
v. tr. - 为...调音, 调谐, 调整
v. intr. - 发出音乐声, 发声, 调谐, 协调, 达到一致, 调音, 定弦

中國話 (Traditional Chinese)
n. - 曲調, 和諧, 調子
v. tr. - 為...調音, 調諧, 調整
v. intr. - 發出音樂聲, 發聲, 調諧, 協調, 達到一致, 調音, 定弦

日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 節, 曲, 正しい調子, 協和, 調和, 同調
v. - 調子を合わせる, 調整する, 調和させる, 同調させる, 合わせる, 調和する

العربيه (Arabic)
(الاسم) مقطوعه موسيقيه, مزاج ذهني, موقف (فعل) تناغم

עברית (Hebrew)‬
n. - ‮לחן, מנגינה, נעימה, הרמוניה, כיוון‬
v. tr. - ‮כיוון, כוונן (כלי-נגינה או מכונה), תיאם, הסתגל למצב‬
v. intr. - ‮היה מתואם עם, היה מכוונן כיאות‬

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