Monday, April 17, 2006


Quick Definition: throw or move quickly and forcefully; throw (oneself) into an activity with energy; 정력을 쏟다; Ex. fling oneself into; N: act of flinging; brief period of indulging one's impulses
fling (flĭng) pronunciation

v., flung (flŭng), flinging, flings.

  1. To throw with violence: flung the dish against the wall. See synonyms at throw.
  2. To put or send suddenly or unexpectedly: troops that were flung into battle.
  3. To throw (oneself) into an activity with abandon and energy.
  4. To cast aside; discard: fling propriety away.

To move quickly, violently, or impulsively.

  1. The act of flinging.
  2. A brief period of indulging one's impulses. See synonyms at binge.
  3. Informal. A usually brief attempt or effort: You take a fling at it.
  4. A brief sexual or romantic relationship.

[Middle English flingen, of Scandinavian origin.]



    To send through the air with a motion of the hand or arm: cast, dart, dash, heave, hurl, hurtle, launch, pitch, shoot, shy2, sling, throw, toss. Informal fire. See move/halt.


  1. An act of throwing: cast, heave, hurl, launch, pitch, shy2, sling, throw, toss. See move/halt.
  2. A period of uncontrolled self-indulgence: binge, orgy, rampage, spree. Slang jag. See restraint/unrestraint.
  3. A brief trial: crack, go, stab, try. Informal shot, whack, whirl. See try.

v, n

Definition: throw
Antonyms: catch

Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.

The noun fling has 3 meanings:

Meaning #1: a usually brief attempt
Synonyms: crack, go, pass, whirl, offer

Meaning #2: a brief indulgence of your impulses
Synonym: spree

Meaning #3: the act of flinging

The verb fling has 4 meanings:

Meaning #1: throw with force or recklessness

Meaning #2: move in an abrupt or headlong manner

Meaning #3: indulge oneself
Synonym: splurge

Meaning #4: throw or cast away
Synonyms: discard, toss, toss out, toss away, chuck out, cast aside, dispose, throw out, cast out, throw away, cast away, put away

Translations for: Fling

Nederlands (Dutch)
smijten, stormen, trappen (van dier), capriolen maken, neergooien, (af)gooien, gooi, probeersel, korte betrokkenheid, korte affaire, periode van genotzucht

Franais (French)
lancer, jeter, ficher, bon temps, aventure, coup, jet, ruade

Deutsch (German)
v. - werfen
n. - Wurf

ή (Greek)
v. ί/ -, ύ/ -, ί/ -, ά/ -, ί/- n. ί, ή, ό, ή, (.) ά

Italiano (Italian)
scagliare, getto, avventura amorosa

Portugus (Portuguese)
v. - arremessar, mover-se bruscamente
n. - arremesso (m), pndega

Русский (Russian)
бросание, швыряние, бросать, швырять, сбить, накидывать, осыпать

Espaol (Spanish)
v. tr. - tirar, arrojar, lanzar, derribar
v. intr. - lanzar un arma arrojadiza, murmurar, mofarse, brincar, saltar, lanzarse
n. - echada, tirada, tiro, indirecta, sarcasmo, brinco, salto, desenfrenada libertad de accin, baile escocs muy vivo

Svenska (Swedish)
v. - kasta
n. - kast, flirt

中国话 (Simplified Chinese)
v. tr. - 投, 挥动, 使陷入
v. intr. - 猛冲, 急行, 直冲
n. - 投掷, 嘲弄, 急冲

中國話 (Traditional Chinese)
v. tr. - 投, 揮動, 使陷入
v. intr. - 猛衝, 急行, 直衝
n. - 投擲, 嘲弄, 急衝

日本語 (Japanese)
v. - 投げ飛ばす, 投げ付ける, 浴びせる, おどらせる, 投げ倒す, 急に伸ばす, 振り立てる, 振り出す, ばらまく, 突進する, 席をけって去る, 飛び出す, あざける
n. - 振り投げること, 振り出すこと, 活発な動作, 勝手なふるまい, 突進, 躍進, 試み, 憤激, フリング

العربيه (Arabic)
(فعل) يقذف , يرمي (الاسم) انغماس, في الملذات

עברית (Hebrew)‬
v. tr. - ‮זינק, השליך, הטיל, דיבר בתקיפות, התפשט או התלבש במהירות, עשה תנועה פתאומית, פתח ביוזמה חדשה‬
v. intr. - ‮יצא בבהילות, בעט (סוס), זינק‬
n. - ‮השלכה, הטלה, זינוק, התנהגות פראית, ריקוד סקוטי‬

Mentioned In

fling is mentioned in the following topics:
flungHighland fling (folk dance)
last fling (Idiom)ruffle
throw oneself into (Idiom)piffle


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