Monday, May 15, 2006


Quick Definition: iron or steel beam which supports a floor, roof, or bridge
girder (gr'dər) pronunciation

A beam, as of steel, wood, or reinforced concrete, used as a main horizontal support in a building or bridge.

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The noun girder has one meaning:

Meaning #1: a beam made usually of steel; a main support in a structure


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A girder is a large iron or steel support beam used in construction. They often have an I beam cross section for strength. Girder is the term used to denote the main horizontal support of a structure.

Translations for: Girder

Nederlands (Dutch)

Franais (French)
poutre, poutrelle

Deutsch (German)
n. - Trger, Tragbalken

ή (Greek)
n. (.) ό, έ, ό, ά

Italiano (Italian)
puntello, trave

Portugus (Portuguese)
n. - viga (f) (Arquit.), vigamento (m) (Arquit.)

Русский (Russian)
балка, брус, перекладина, ферма (конструкция), радиомачта

Espaol (Spanish)
n. - viga, soporte, puntal

Svenska (Swedish)
n. - balk (byggn.)

中国话 (Simplified Chinese)
n. - 梁, 钢桁的支架

中國話 (Traditional Chinese)
n. - 梁, 鋼桁的支架

日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 桁, 大梁

العربيه (Arabic)
(الاسم) عارضه خشبيه أو معدنيه

עברית (Hebrew)‬
n. - ‮קורת פלדה, קורה, קורה תומכת בגשר‬

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