Sunday, April 09, 2006


Quick Definition: come down and settle (as after flight); dismount (as from a horse or vehicle); Ex. The bird alighted on a branch; ADJ: on fire; burning; having the lights on
alight1 (ə-līt') pronunciation
intr.v., alighted or alit (ə-lĭt'), alighting, alights.
  1. To come down and settle, as after flight: a sparrow alighting on a branch.
  2. To get down, as from a vehicle; dismount: The queen alighted from the carriage.
  3. To come by chance: alight on a happy solution.

[Middle English alighten, from Old English ālīhtan : ā-, intensive pref. + līhtan, to relieve of a burden (from līht, light; see light2).]

alight2 (ə-līt') pronunciation
  1. Burning; lighted: The discarded match was still alight.
  2. Illuminated: The sky was alight with millions of stars.

[Middle English, past participle of alighten, to set on fire, from Old English ālīhtan, to illuminate : ā-, intensive pref. + līhtan, to shine (from lēoht, a light; see light1).]

alight' adv.

alight1 also alight on


    To come to rest on the ground: land, light, set down, settle, touch down. See move/halt.

phrasal verb - alight on (or upon)

    To find or meet by chance: bump into, chance on (or upon), come across, come on (or upon), find, happen on (or upon), light on (or upon), run across, run into, stumble on (or upon), tumble on. Idioms: meet up with. See meet.


    On fire: ablaze, afire, aflame, burning, conflagrant, fiery, flaming. Idioms: in a blaze, in flames. See hot/cold/lukewarm.


Definition: lit up
Antonyms: dark


Definition: on fire
Antonyms: extinguished


Definition: get off
Antonyms: board, get on


Definition: land
Antonyms: fly off, take off

Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.

The verb alight has 2 meanings:

Meaning #1: to come to rest, settle
Synonyms: light, perch

Meaning #2: come down, as of a bird
Synonym: climb down

The adjective alight has one meaning:

Meaning #1: lighted up by or as by fire or flame
Synonyms: ablaze, afire, aflame, aflare, blazing, burning, flaming, on fire

Translations for: Alight

Nederlands (Dutch)
af-/uitstappen, neerstrijken, stuiten op, brandend, opgewonden

Franais (French)
se poser, descendre, allum, en feu

Deutsch (German)
v. - sich niederlassen, absitzen, aussteigen
adv. - angezndet, erleuchtet
adj. - angezndet, erleuchtet

ή (Greek)
v. ί (ό ό), ύ, ύ, ά, ( ά) ά, έ

Italiano (Italian)
posarsi, discendere

Portugus (Portuguese)
v. - desmontar, descer, deparar

Русский (Russian)
сесть, сходить вниз

Espaol (Spanish)
v. intr. - apearse, posarse, iluminarse
adv. - ardiente
adj. - iluminado, ardiendo

Svenska (Swedish)
v. - stiga av, landa, falla ner

中国话 (Simplified Chinese)
v. intr. - 下来, 飘落, 飞落, 偶遇
adj. - 燃烧着的, 点亮着的

中國話 (Traditional Chinese)
adj. - 燃燒著的, 點亮著的
v. intr. - 下來, 飄落, 飛落, 偶遇

日本語 (Japanese)
v. - 降りる
adj. - 燃えて, 灯がともって, 輝いて

العربيه (Arabic)
(فعل) يترجل, مشتعل, يجد بالمصادفه

עברית (Hebrew)‬
v. intr. - ‮ירד (מכלי-רכב או מבהמת-רכיבה), הבחין ב-‬
adv., - ‮דולק, בוער, לוהט, מרוגש‬

Mentioned In

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